Reference Index > DOM HTML
Interface Specification
interface HTMLDocument
partial interface Document
[PutForwards=href, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location? location;
attribute USVString domain;
readonly attribute USVString referrer;
attribute USVString cookie;
readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
readonly attribute DocumentReadyState readyState;
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString title;
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString dir;
[CEReactions] attribute HTMLElement? body;
readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement? head;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts;
NodeList getElementsByName(DOMString elementName);
readonly attribute HTMLOrSVGScriptElement? currentScript; // classic scripts in a document tree only
[CEReactions] Document open(optional DOMString type, optional DOMString replace = ""); // type is ignored
WindowProxy open(USVString url, DOMString name, DOMString features);
[CEReactions] void close();
[CEReactions] void write(DOMString... text);
[CEReactions] void writeln(DOMString... text);
readonly attribute WindowProxy? defaultView;
readonly attribute Element? activeElement;
boolean hasFocus();
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString designMode;
[CEReactions] boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, optional boolean showUI = false, optional DOMString value = "");
boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandState(DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString commandId);
DOMString queryCommandValue(DOMString commandId);
[LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange;
partial interface Document
[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString fgColor;
[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString linkColor;
[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString vlinkColor;
[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString alinkColor;
[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString bgColor;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets;
void clear();
void captureEvents();
void releaseEvents();
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLAllCollection all;
Implementation status
Number of constants in JS interface: none Number of attributes in JS interface: 29/29 Number of functions in JS interface: 16/16Function Implementation status
getElementsByName Complete
open Dummy
open Dummy
close Complete
write Complete
writeln Dummy
hasFocus Dummy
execCommand Complete
queryCommandEnabled Complete
queryCommandIndeterm Complete
queryCommandState Complete
queryCommandSupported Complete
queryCommandValue Complete
clear Complete
captureEvents Complete
releaseEvents Complete
Browser & Device compatibility
Device type Support Status Desktop PC browsers Yes
HBBTV 1.5 devices Yes
HBBTV 2.0.x devices Yes
This page has been generated automatically from source code by the CoyoteBrowser InfoTool on Tue Jan 05 16:54:08 2021
. Some design elements from MDN are used under CC-BY-SA license from "Mozilla Contributors".